Common mining terms

30.10.23 04:04 PM - By Erin

Common mining terms

  • Adit - A horizontal or nearly horizontal tunnel for accessing a mineral deposit from the surface.
  • Backfill - The material used to fill a mine opening after the extraction of ore.
  • Bench - A level section in an open-pit mine where ore is extracted.
  • Blasthole - A hole drilled in the rock face for the placement of explosives.
  • Bogger Operator: A bogger operator operates a machine that is used to transport the broken rock from the face to the surface.
  • Carbon-in-leach (CIL) - A process used to extract gold from ore by using activated carbon to absorb the gold particles.
  • Carbon-in-pulp (CIP) - A process used to extract gold from ore by using activated carbon to adsorb the gold particles.
  • Concentrate - The product of the mineral processing plant that contains the valuable minerals.
  • Decline - A sloping tunnel used to access an underground mine.
  • Drift - A horizontal or nearly horizontal tunnel used for accessing a mineral deposit.
  • Mine development - the process of preparing a mine for production.
  • Dump - The pile of waste rock or tailings left over after the extraction of ore.
  • Exploration - the process of searching for minerals
  • Face - The surface of the rock where drilling and blasting occurs.
  • Fault - A crack or break in the rock where movement has occurred.
  • Gold grade - The amount of gold contained in a unit of ore.
  • Grade control - The process of ensuring that the grade of ore being mined is consistent with the mine plan.
  • Grizzly: A grid of iron bars or similar material used to sort ore and waste rock
  • Head grade - The grade of ore at the start of the processing plant.
  • High-grade - Ore that contains a high percentage of valuable minerals.
  • Hoist - A machine used to lift or lower equipment and materials in a mine shaft.
  • Host rock - The rock that surrounds an ore deposit.
  • In-situ - The original location of a mineral deposit before it is extracted.
  • Jig - A machine used to concentrate minerals based on their density.
  • Jumbo Operator: A jumbo operator is responsible for operating a drill rig that is used to drill holes in the rock face in preparation for blasting.
  • Leaching - The process of extracting metals from ores by using a chemical solvent.
  • Lode - A mineral deposit that is embedded in the host rock.
  • Longhole drilling - A method of drilling used in underground mining where holes are drilled parallel to the ore body.
  • Milling - The process of grinding ore into a fine powder to extract the valuable minerals.
  • Mine development - The process of preparing a mine site for production.
  • Nipper - an entry-level job that involves assisting miners and other personnel with a variety of tasks in the underground mine.
  • Open-pit mining - A method of mining where the ore is extracted from an open pit.
  • Ore body - A concentration of valuable minerals in the host rock.
  • Ore pass - A vertical or inclined chute used to transfer ore from one level to another in an underground mine.
  • Ore reserve - The estimated amount of ore that can be economically mined.
  • Overburden - The rock and soil that covers a mineral deposit.
  • Paste backfill - A type of backfill made from a mixture of tailings and cement.
  • Pan - a shallow metal dish used to separate gold from other materials.
  • Pillar - a column of rock left in place to support the roof of a mine.
  • Pit - an excavation in the ground used for mining.
  • Portal - the entrance to a mine.
  • Raise - A vertical or inclined tunnel used to transport people, equipment, or ore in an underground mine.
  • Refractory ore - Ore that is difficult to extract gold from due to its chemical makeup.
  • Rock bolting - A method of reinforcing the walls of an underground mine with steel rods.
  • Roasting - A process used to remove impurities from gold ore by heating it in a furnace.
  • Service crew is a team of workers who are responsible for maintaining and repairing the mining equipment and infrastructure
  • Shaft - A vertical or inclined tunnel used to access an underground mine.
  • Shrinkage stoping - A method of underground mining where ore is extracted by drilling and blasting.
  • Shotcrete Sprayer: A shotcrete sprayer is responsible for spraying a concrete mixture onto the rock face to stabilize it and prevent collapses.
  • Slag: The waste material produced during smelting operations
  • Stope - A section of an underground mine where ore is being extracted.
  • Tailings: The waste material left over after the valuable minerals have been extracted
  • Truck Driver: A truck driver is responsible for driving a truck that transports the ore and waste rock from the mine to the surface.
  • Underground mining - A method of mining where the ore is extracted from underground.
  • Vein: A mineral deposit that is concentrated in a fracture or fissure in the rock
  • Winze: A vertical or nearly vertical shaft used to connect different levels in a mine
  • Working: The area where mining activities take place
  • XRF: X-ray fluorescence, a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of samples
